Ethical Conduct
1. Staff must not engage in any conduct which would not be considered ethical within the following framework:
a) the primary obligation of each staff member shall be to serve the Agency’s clients in accordance with its policies, procedures, and all relevant legislation, rules and regulations;
b) each employee will hold him/herself responsible for the quality of his/her performance of duties, discharging such duties with a high degree of personal and professional integrity;
c) each employee will treat as confidential, all information acquired in the course of his/her duties, related to the business and affairs of the Agency, and will disclose such information only if authorized to do so and in accordance with the Agency’s policies related to confidentiality and disclosure of information;
d) each staff member shall treat with respect, the statement and actions of all co-workers and use only approved channels of communication to express personal judgement on these matters;
e) each staff member shall work cooperatively with co-workers, giving due regard to their recognized areas of competence;
f) in public statements and/or actions, each staff member shall clarify whether he/she is a designated representative of the Agency, or of another organization, or is speaking or acting as an individual;
g) ensure that outside interests do not jeopardize his/her professional judgement or competence; and
h) no staff member will speak to any media, on behalf of the Agency, without the prior approval of the Executive Director or designate.
2. Conduct which is construed as unethical, may result in disciplinary action.