Your Right to be Heard
Sometimes there may be differences of opinion and disagreements between Agency staff and clients.  If you have received service from KRRDCFS, you have rights under provincial legislation, and within our agency's policies.  If you have a concern about the service you have received at KRRDCFS, It is important that it be resolved.

At KRRDCFS, we have two ways that you can bring concerns forward - informally and formally. 

Informal Complaint Procedures

First, talk to your worker.
  Most client concerns can be worked out by an open discussion between the worker and the client.  If you are not comfortable approaching the worker, or your concern or complaint is not addressed at this level…

Second, talk to your worker's supervisor. Concerns that are not resolved by a discussion with the worker can often be resolved by talking with the worker's supervisor.  If after your discussion, you still have a concern or complaint, you have the option of speaking with or writing to the supervisor's Director of Service.

If after the discussions with the supervisor and/or Director you still have a concern or complaint, you have the option of proceeding with the formal complaint procedure.

Formal Complaint Procedures

Third, send a written complaint to the Quality Assurance Coordinator.  This supervisor will notify you within 7 days of receiving the letter whether your complaint is eligible. You must have received services from KRRDCFS to be eligible. 

Guidelines for eligibility include concerns regarding service delivery, process, quality of care, or breach of policy.

If your complaint is determined to be eligible, you will be invited to meet with the Internal Complaint Review Panel (ICRP) within 14 days of the date of eligibility.

The ICRP is chosen by the Executive Director, and does not include anyone directly involved with the complaint.  It will include the Supervisor of Strategic & Quality Initiatives, one other senior manager, and a Board or community member.

You may choose to bring one other person to attend this meeting.  If you are a member of a First Nations community, you may wish to bring a band or community representative.

Please complete the Formal Complaint (ICRP) form provided in both English and French. Once filled out, kindly submit the forms via email, mail, or fax.

The Child & Family Services Review Board (CFSRB)

Finally, if you are still not satisfied with the agency's response, you can apply to the CFSRB.  This is an independent, external panel that examines concerns regarding child welfare services in Ontario.  You may contact the CFSRB after going through the agency's complaint process or if any time you feel that the agency's process does not adequately address your concern.

The CFSRB is a free service of the Government of Ontario.  If you would like more information, call 1-888-728-8823 or visit

Foster parents who have sought or received service from the Agency may take their complaint directly to the CFSRB if the Agency has notified them in writing of a decision to move a Crown Ward from whom they have provided continuous care for 2 or more years.

Adoptive applicants who have been notified in writing of the Agency's decision to refuse an application or to remove a child who has been placed with a person for adoption may take his/her complaint directly to the CFSRB